Public Private Partnerships

Public private partnerships

Africa’s transformation requires significant investments in climate, technology smart, and high impact infrastructure to catalyze socio economic growth in the next decade. On path to post Covid 19 economic recovery several African countries are faced with the effects of climate change and conflicts exerting additional pressures on macro economic imbalances which result into severely stretched budgets. Rock PPP solutions leverage private sector instruments to supplement national/municipal budgets, unlock private capital, improve governance and accountability throughout the project cycle.

Rock’s PPP in-house and independent consultants are experts in design, structuring, documentation and resource mobilization for faster execution of PPPs. Specifically, Rock PPP solutions advocate for private sector participation and financing of development programs aligned to relevant regional/national/municipal infrastructure strategies.


Rock partners with governments, financiers and/or promoters to design project
concept note, conduct field assessment and viability studies, develop business case
and investment proposals, draft performance management frameworks required
during project implementation among other interventions.

  •  Urban development programs
  •  Roads
  • BRT & Urban transport
  • Railways
  •  Ports/airport
  • Water, Irrigation, Sewage
  • Waste management
  • Energy
  • Housing
  • Digital infrastructure & last mile